Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading. Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading. Pilates is good for everyone, regardless of fitness level, age and body type.

Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading. You get renewed energy from the Pilates method so you can enjoy more of everything you love to do.

Elite Sports and Pilates

For professional athletes, it is even more important to have the correct posture and strength in the torso muscles and around the inner back muscles because the strain on their bodies is much greater than in everyday exercise sports. 

With the help of the Pilates method, you learn basic principles such as centering, concentration and control of the body. This gives you better conditions to achieve and maintain top form without unnecessary damage.

Dance and Pilates

Regardless of the level or type of dance you prefer, it requires both precision, flexibility and strength to perform well. With a strong torso stability, you reduce the risk of injuries due to overloading the spine and joints. 

Dancers also get better stability in the center of the body, which improves rotation and improves mobility. The Pilates method was invented in close collaboration with the best Broadway dancers during the last century and has since been used to improve the agility and strength of professional dancers.

Pregnancy and Pilates

Both during and after pregnancy, it can be a challenge to find a suitable form of exercise. Joints, muscles and other tissues are exposed to great strain and sometimes even trauma. 

Pregnant Pilates can be easily adapted and is the perfect gentle exercise for both pregnant women and new mothers. Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading. In addition, the Pilates method improves balance, flexibility and posture.

Back pain and Pilates

We all experience back pain at some point in life. Poor posture is one of the most common causes because most people have a large portion sitting in their daily routine. We collapse the spine when we sit and the discs are then loaded unilaterally and unevenly. 

The Pilates method focuses on a correct load on the spine while strengthening the internal back muscles and creating better space for the discs. Improved torso strength and body awareness help heal an injury and prevent new injuries.

Osteoarthritis and Pilates

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common chronic disease conditions today and can cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints. It is not too often both frustrating and uncomfortable when you lose some of the function in the affected joint. 

Although there is no treatment to stop the course of the disease, physical activity has been shown to have a positive effect on increasing joint mobility. The Pilates exercises help both to reduce the pain and to improve the mobility and strength of the affected.

Fatigue and Pilates

Everyday life is now in rapid temptation and is full of overstimulation, which leads to feeling overwhelmed and stressed. This makes us tired, exhausted and easily irritated. Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading.