
Ergonomics is an interdisciplinary science that, in a holistic perspective, deals with the interplay of human-technology-organization. Ergonomic efforts aim to optimize both health, well-being and performance. Good ergonomic measures not only mean health gains but also lead to quality and productivity gains.

Stress ergonomics is a specialization in the field of ergonomics that includes working movements, working postures and other physical, physical, psychosocial and organizational factors.

Muscle, joint and skeletal disorders are among the most common causes of absence from work and can be caused by stress ergonomic exposures such as heavy lifting, uncomfortable working positions or one-sided repetitive work.

What do occupational and environmental medicine do?

  • Preventing stress problems by contributing methods to promote a good working environment is an important task for us.
  • We conduct research, education and method development, often in collaboration with occupational health care, employers and trade unions.
  • At our patient clinic, we investigate and give advice to patients who have suffered from stress disorders.

Ergonomic mapping

Stress ergonomic mapping and risk assessment are an important part of the systematic work environment work to prevent stress problems. At Occupational and Environmental Medicine, research and development of load ergonomic methodology is conducted. We answer questions and provide support in methodological issues in load ergonomics.

There are a variety of methods for load ergonomic mapping and risk assessment. Different methods are useful in different contexts and for assessing different types of exposure. Sometimes several methods may need to be combined to get an overall assessment. An overview of different methods linked to different exposures is described in the right-hand column.

Methods for load ergonomic mapping

Overall instrument

  • Quick Exposure Check (QEC)
  • Risk management Assessment tool for Manual handling Proactively (RAMP)
  • Washington State Ergonomic Checklist (WSEC)
  • Risk management Assessment tool for Manual handling Proactively – RAMP

Hand-intensive and repetitive work

  • Assessment of Repetitive Task of the upper limbs (ART)
  • Hand Arm Risk Assessment Method (HARM)
  • Key Indicator Method for Manual Handling Operations (KIM-MHO) (KIM III)
  • Occupational repetitive actions (OCRA)
  • The Revised Strain Index (RSI)
  • Composite Strain Index (COSI) and Cumulative Strain Index (CUSI)
  • Hand Activity Level (HAL)
  • Distal Upper Extrimity tool (DUET)

Uncomfortable working position

  • Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) – NOTE does not take duration into account
  • Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) – NOTE does not take duration into account
  • ErgoArmMeter

Manual handling

  • Key Indicator Method – lifting, holding and carrying (KIM I)
  • Key Indicator Method – pulling and pushing (KIM II)
  • NIOSH – lifting equation


The computer program for biomechanical calculation of lifting situations
Anthropometry, Lifting recommendations, Biomechanics and Work observation (ALBA)